I know that is a strange subject but I couldn’t help connecting the two of them.
The character of the trapped Chilean miners has been incredible and I just sent this same email out to my email community.? However, I wanted to share it on my blog too.
See the below expert from the email? I just blasted out to over 3,000 people.
Email that was sent:
Hey Guys,? I have been glued to my television watching them rescue each miner from a collapsed mine 1/2 mile from under the earth. It has been amazing to see the rock steady (no pun intended) character of each miner as they breathe fresh air or feel the sun hit their skin for the first time in 69 days.? What unbelievable character and courage they have displayed.
You would think that they had only been trapped for hours and not months! It made me reflect upon my own character and courage and learn from the miners about managing fears and frustrations.
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So, how do you define character?
I still use the following definition of character:
Character: How you act when no one else is looking. This was the best definition I have ever heard to capture the purest meaning about character. A Pastor named Jim Shefield shared this definition with his congregation about 18 years ago.? I still think it is the best definition and it still serves to hold me accountable for my own actions.
So, here is my challenge to you is to work on your online character.
– Bring only the highest ethics, morals, and genuine willingness to bring value to everything you do to help others.
– Seek to surround yourself with a solid team that shores up your weaknesses and supports your strengths.
– Don’t allow yourself to get fearful over technology or? frustrated because of a perceived lack of progress online.
– “Don’t sweat the small stuff”.
– Work hard to accomplish a obtainable daily goal and be content when you reach that goal.
For example, one of my goals today was to reflect on what impressed me the most about the trapped Chilean miners. I can now check that off my list and feel good about being productive. See how that works?
Thanks for your time and I look forward to helping you set your online business on fire.
Ps. If you are not a member of my email list and want to receive “character” rich emails, just fill out the form on this page.
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