Google SEO (search engine optimization) discovery
I spent a lot of time in front of the computer creating blogs, conducting keyword research, and implementing various internet marketing strategies.? I even wrote the Internet Command System, Special Report.
I love what I do and most of the time, hours have flown by and I am still typing away, creating content and analyzing affiliate programs.? However, sometimes I discover a little gem of information that makes my mind start wondering how I can benefit from this new found knowledge.? Well, such an event occured today and I wanted to take some time to share it with you. (my ultra loyal readers) 😉
Let me first say, that I believe being successful should not only be about how much money you can make.? I believe a greater purpose is served when you can help others who are struggling and just need a little help.? Serving others is our primary mission in my humble Christian belief system.? However, don’t misunderstand, I don’t run a charity… so don’t start firing questions at me if you are not serious about taking action and possibly even spending a little money by joining one of my internet marketing programs.? 😉 Ok, so let me get back to my super cool internet marketing tip of the day.
Let me share with you what “my little keyword analysis revealed about google and selecting the best domain name”.
In case you haven’t noticed, the search engines really like when you domain name matches what people are searching for.? Just do a google or bing search and look at how many of the top ten results have your search term as part of the domain address. It doesn’t take a search engine optimization wizard to figure that out!? As a matter of fact, it has become so commonly known that finding a quality domain name has become a real challenge. That is where my little internet marketing tip comes into play.
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This little tip just might make a big difference in complementing your current internet marketing strategy.? Remember, there is a big difference between your marketing strategy and your tactics.? If you need a refresher on the difference, make sure to watch my internet strategy vs tactics strategy video.
Thanks for taking the time to view this post.
Ps.? I am always ready to help those in need. If you are ready for some help and more importantly ready to take action, enroll in my Internet Command System Boot Camp for free.
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