About Ray
Details/About Ray
Who's "Ray the Fireman?"
I was recently called “Ray the Fireman” by Grant Cardone during a 10X phone conversation that was broadcast to several hundred people. Grant encouraged me to use that name, so that is where that name came from.? For those of you who don’t know who Grant Cardone, you can read about my journey with Uncle Grant inside my blog.
However, let me tell you more about me before “Ray the Fireman”.? I have been a self described “geek” all my life. It all started when my parents bought me a Texas Instruments TI-994a computer when I was about 10 years old. I was fascinated how a machine could perform tasks simply by entering text in the form of a language called “DOS”. I spent a lot of hours on the TI-994a and eventually convinced my father to buy me an Apple IIe computer with two floppy disk drives and a green screen monitor. I can still remember the stick figure animation and the sharp green lines that served as the screen saver. I graduated from writing little DOS programs on the TI-994a to running my own bulletin board system on a super fast 1200 baud rate modem that was used Lego blocks as heat sinks for my Apple Cat modem. Those were some good times… Send me an email if you can relate and share your story with me.
Even though it seems like yesterday, it has been over 30 years and we now have super fast connections capable of live streaming and printers capable of printing products using a 3D printers. I love technology and recently finished creating my first smartphone app called TiLoTag (it allows you to preserve memories by location). Creating an app was a very challenging and expensive proposition. In the end, I was able to secure 2 patents and am currently searching for an investor to make TiLoTag a household name.
In addition to being a Firefighter since 1988, I have had my own internet marketing and website design company since 2005. I renamed my company from Kelly Day LLC to Think Big Websites in 2015 so that people would instantly understand what I do. I enjoy helping people while at the fire department and also enjoy helping people online. I often say that I have the two best jobs in the world.
My biggest achievement has been my family. I have 4 amazing children and a beautiful wife who homeschools our children. We have been blessed beyond measure and are filled with gratitude for all the wonderful things we cherish as a family.

For those who wanted to know more about how much of a self described "geek" I am... I started my own bulletin board system (BBS) around 1982 in South Florida and ever since that time I have been active online. I had an AppleCat II modem with blazing speeds of 56K. This modem also had the capability of generating DTMF signals which made feel like I was Mathew Broderick in the movie "Wargames".
Here is a little random stuff about me and my family.
- We are a God fearing family that seldom miss Church on Sunday.
- I currently serve as a Battalion Chief in a large South Florida Fire Department.
- When not at the fire house, I spent a lot of time online building websites, creating videos, marketing websites or doing affiliate marketing videos.
- My oldest son loves history and has competed at our Nation’s History Bee and has placed in the top ten in Florida for his History knowledge in 2012 and is currently pursuing to become a Firefighter.
- I am an internal optimist whose goal it is to find the good in everyone.
- If we played golf right now I would probably shoot a 89.
- I can help you with anything online and you will explain everything so you become your own advocate.
My current website priorities include the following internet assets: