[GULP] That’s me swallowing my pride.? Let me tell you why…

I recently enrolled in an online internet guru coaching course to insure my knowledge was up to date and to keep me moving forward. No longer can I have the belief that I can do it all by myself. (picture Braveheart scene with me yelling FREEDOM)

As a husband, father, full time firefighter and internet entrepreneur, it’s hard to find the time to seek knowledge from legitimate sources and stay up to date.? I would say it is actually impossible. There are many qualified people and an extremely larger population of self proclaimed experts. After finding who to trust as a true source, it is equally difficult deciding if they are worth the money.

So, I searched for an excellent program. How do you think that went?? I think this picture best explains how difficult it was to do a google search.

As I am about to reveal… I definitely made the right decision so much that I must admit it is actually exciting to make a purchase on something that has directly elevated my own personal development and knowledge.

So, how did I select the right course and coach? In my case, I knew that paying a coach or enrolling in a course would provide incentive for me to stay motivated. Basically, I am not the type of person that likes to waste money so if I am paying for something, I am going maximize my purchase. In my search for the proper course and proper leader I knew that I wanted a clear focus and tangible game plan. But, what type of leader was right for me? I started reading books on the topic.? This is definitely out of my character as reading is the fastest way to get me to go into hibernation mode. However, I have been able to stay awake long enough to read some really, really good books. The book that this post is about is called, In Extremis Leadership, by Thomas Kolditz.? It was distributed by my fire department so Fire Officers could soak up the leadership principles taught in the book.? As I read the book, which definitely had tremendous application for fire service personnel, I also looked at how the different types of leadership characteristics could also pertain to internet marketing “leaders”. The book affirmed my earlier decision and I knew that I was in the right course at the right time. Believing that everything happens for a purpose, I decided to record a brief video.

I have been closely observing Mark Hoverson style since, which clearly demonstrates a transformational style of leadership. I have extracted a lot of knowledge from his course and wanted to share my opinions and personal experience as a student in the Mark Hoverson internet course that I am still enrolled in. I think it is absolutely vital to understand the various types of leadership so that a correct match can be made that maximizes the value and learning experience for both the teacher and the student.



Ps. If you want to investigate Mark’s course for yourself, visit my Mark Hoverson link.
Thanks again for your time and remember to stay focused!